Many cookbook and food book reviews can be found at Meanwhile, Back in the Kitchen.
- Continual Feast, A by Evelyn Birge Vitz
- How to Pick a Peach by Russ Parsons
- Mrs. Appleyard's Kitchen by Louise Andrews Kent
- Spirit of Food, The edited by Leslie Fields
- America the Last Great Hope, vol. 2 by William J. Bennett
- Arrow of the Blue-Skinned God by Jonah Blank
- Art: A New History by Paul Johnson
- Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare - Isaac Asimov
- At Knit's End by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
- Bad Dog: A Love Story by Martin Kihn
- Battle for Middle-earth, The by Fleming Rutledge*
- Bayeux Tapestry, The by Lucien Musset
- Beginner's Guide to Dante's Divine Comedy, A by Jason M. Baxter*
- Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
- Bollywood: The Films! The Songs! The Stars! by DK Publishing
- Bollywood Kitchen by Sri Rao
- Book Lust by Nancy Pearl
- Boys in the Boat, The by Daniel James Brown
- Browsings by Michael Dirda
- Carnal Knowledge by Charles Hodgson
- Charles Dickens and the Great Theatre of the World by Simon Callow
- Chicken Every Sunday by Rosemary Taylor
- Come Tell Me How You Live - Agatha Christie
- Creating Moments of Joy: A Journal for Care-Givers by Jolene Bricker (deals with Alzheimer's)
- Dab of Dickens & A Touch of Twain, A by Elliott Engel
- Dominion by Tom Holland*
- Don't Call It Bollywood by Margaret Redlich
- Dorothy and Jack by Gina Dalfonzo*
- Essential Series books about artists
- Essential Thomas Eakins by Alice Carter
- Great Movies, The by Roger Ebert
- Heaven and Hell by Louis Markos
- Hiroshige: 100 Famous Views of Edo - Melanie Trede
- How Harry Cast His Spell by John Granger
- Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
- I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel
- J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography by Humphrey Carpenter
- Jerusalem: A Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore
- Killer Angels, The by Michael Shaara
- Kim Jong-Il Production, A by Paul Fisher
- King Peggy by Peggilene Bartels
- Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson
- Life Everlasting by Gary Jansen
- Lincoln's Battle with God by Stephen Mansfield*
- Lone Star Nation by H.W. Brand
- Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind by Jason M. Baxter
- Movies That Matter by Richard Leonard*
- Mystery of Harry Potter by Nancy Brown
- Narnia Code, The - Michael Ward*
- On Writing by Stephen King
- Only Plane in the Sky, The: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff
- People I Have Loved, Known, or Admired by Leo Rosten
- Philosophy of Tolkien, The by Peter Kreeft*
- Politically Incorrect Guide to Science, The by Tom Bethell
- Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown
- Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, The by Terry Ryan
- Right to Be Wrong, The by Kevin Seamus Hasson (Spero News)*
- Rising Strong by Brené Brown
- Running on Red Dog Road - Dreme Berkheimer*
- Splendid and the Vile, The by Erik Larson
- Stir by Jessica Fechtor
- Storytelling Animal, The by Jonathan Gottschall
- Team of Rivals by Doris Goodwin Kearns
- Terence Fisher: Horror, Myth, and Religion by Paul Leggett*
- Through a Screen Darkly by Jeffrey Overstreet*
- Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England by Ian Mortimer
- Travels on My Elephant by Mark Shand
- Trucker Ghost Stories edited by Annie Wilder
- Understanding Movies (Modern Scholar) by Raphael Shargel
- Universe Within, The by Neil Shubin
- YOU: The Owner's Manual
- Weightless: Making Peace with Your Body by Kate Wicker*
- What Makes This Book So Great - Jo Walton
- When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning
- Winters in the World by Eleanor Parker*
RELIGION (nonfiction)
- 10 Prayers God Always Says Yes To by Anthony DeStefano
- 150 Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know by Patrick Madrid
- 2008 Catholic Almanac from Our Sunday Visitor
- 21 Ways to Worship by Vinny Flynn
- 30 Days with Married Saints by Kent and Caitlin Lasnoski
- 31 Prayers for Courage by Nathaniel Turner
- 7 Men and the Secret of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas
- 7 Women and the Secret of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas
- Abbess of Andalusia, The: A Spiritual Biography of Flannery O'Connor by Lorraine Murray
- Adventures in Orthodoxy by Dwight Longenecker
- All the Pope's Men by John L. Allen, Jr.
- All Things Made New by Stratford Caldecott
- Amazing Grace for Survivors
- American Catholic Almanac by Brian Burch and Emily Stimpson
- Amoris Laetitia - Pope Francis
- Ancient Path, The by John Michael Talbot and Mike Aquilina
- Angels and Saints by Scott Hahn
- Angels and Their Mission: According to the Fathers of the Church by Cardinal Jean Danielou
- Angels of God by Mike Aquilina
- Arriving at Amen by Leah Libresco
- Art and Prayer by Timothy Verndon
- Art of Advent, The by Jane Williams
- Art of Faith, The by Judith Couchman
- At the Still Point: A Literary Guide to Prayer in Ordinary Time, compiled by Sarah Arthur
- Audrey - True Story of a Child's Journey of Faith
- Bad Catholic's Guide to Good Living, The by John Zmirak and Denie Matychowiak
- Bearing False Witness by Rodney Stark
- Beauty of the Word, The by Anthony Esolen
- Becoming a Great Godparent - Paraclete Press
- Bells of Nagasaki, The - Takashi Nagai
- Between Heaven and Mirth by James Martin, SJ
- Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious by Pat Gohn
- Bones of Saint Peter, The by John Walsh
- Book of Saints for Catholic Moms, A - by Lisa Hendey
- Book of the Shepherd: The Story of One Simple Prayer and How It Changed the World
- Bringing the Gospel of Matthew to Life: Insight and Inspiration by George Martin
- C. S. Lewis - A Life by Alistair McGrath*
- C. S. Lewis Bible, The
- Caring for the Dying with the Help of Your Catholic Faith by Elizabeth Scalia
- Case for a Creator, The by Lee Strobel
- Case for the Real Jesus, The by Lee Strobel
- Catechism of the Spiritual Life by Cardinal Robert Sarah
- Catholic Bible Concordance, The for the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition edited by Scott Hahn
- Catholic Book of Hours and Other Devotions
- Catholic by Choice by Richard Cole
- Catholic Family Fun by Sarah Reinhard
- Catholic Gardener's Spiritual Almanac by Margaret Rose Realy
- Catholic Guide to Spending Less and Living More, A by Sam and Rob Fatzinger
- Catholic Home, The by Meredith Gould
- Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament, A by John Bergsma, Brant Pitre
- Catholic Mass for Dummies by Rev. John Triglio, Rev. Kenneth Brighenti, Rev. James Cafone
- Catholic Mother's Guide to Pregnancy by Sarah Reinhard
- Catholic Passion, The by David Scott
- Catholicism: a Journey to the Heart of the Faith by Robert Barron
- Catholicism: Pure and Simple by Father Dwight Longenecker
- Catholic Bible Dictionary edited by Scott Hahn
- Chastity is for Lovers by Arleen Spenceley
- Church, The - Donald Cardinal Wuerl and Mike Aquilina
- Church and the Roman Empire, The by Mike Aquilina
- Church Building as Sacred Place, The by Duncan G. Stroik
- Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler by Mark Riebling
- Christmas with the Holy Fathers
- Come Be My Light by Mother Teresa and Brian Kolodiejchuk
- Compact Book of Catholic Prayer from The Word Among Us
- Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Complete Idiot's Guide to the Catholic Catechism by Mary
- Daily Defense, A by Jimmy Akin
- Dante to Dead Man Walking by Raymond Schroth
- David Suchet Audio Bible - NIV: Complete Bible
- Deathbed Conversions by Karen Edmisten
- Deus Caritas Est - Pope Benedict XVI
- Disorientation, edited by John Zmirak
- Divine Canine by the Monks of New Skete
- Divine Hours, The (series) by Phyllis Tickle
- Early Church, The by James Papandrea
- Encountering Truth by Pope Francis
- Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours, The by Daria Sockey
- Faces of Christ by Jane Williams
- Faith Under Fire by Matthew Archbold
- Family and Fishing: a 21 Day Devotional by Tony Gerdes (Spero News)
- Fathers, The by Pope Benedict XVI
- Feasts, The by Cardinal Wuerl and Mike Aquilina
- Feasts of Judaism, The by Stephen J. Binz
- Feeding Your Family's Soul by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
- Fellowship, The by Philip Zaleski and Carol Zaleski
- Finding Heaven by Christopher de Vinck
- Finding Martha's Place: My Journey Through Sin, Salvation, and Lots of Soul Food by Martha Hawkins
- Fire of God's Love: 120 Reflections on the Eucharist by Mike Aquilina
- Food for the Soul, Year C by Peter Kreeft
- For Better, For Worse, For God by Mary Jo Pedersen
- For the Life of the World by Alexander Schmemann
- Fourth Cup, The by Scott Hahn
- From Fire By Water by Sohrab Ahmri
- Full Catastrophe, The by Tracey Leonard
- Full of Grace by Judith Dupre
- God or Nothing by Cardinal Robert Sarah
- God Through Binoculars by Danusha Goska
- Grandma's on the Camino - Mary Wyman
- Great Good Thing, The by Andrew Klavan
- Hard Sayings by Trent Horn
- Heaven in Our Hands by Benedict Groeschel
- Heresies and How to Avoid Them, edited by Ben Quash and Michael Ward
- Heroism and Genius by William J. Slattery
- Hiding Place, The by Corrie Ten Boom
- History of the Church in 100 Objects by Mike and Grace Aquilina
- History's Queen by Mike Aquilina
- Holiness for Everyone by Eric Sammons
- Holy Ghosts Or How a (Not So) Good Catholic Boy Became a Believer in Things That Go Bump in the Night by Gary Jansen
- Holy Hacks by Patti Armstrong
- Holy Women by Pope Benedict XVI
- How the Choir Converted the World by Mike Aquilina
- How the Church Has Changed the World - 4 volumes - by Anthony Esolen
- Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI
- Garden of Visible Prayer, A by Margaret Realy
- Genesis: Translation and Commentary by Robert Alter
- Genius of John Paul II: The Great Pope's Moral Wisdom by Richard Spinello
- Girls' Night Out by Michaelann Martin
- Go to Joseph: excerpts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World —And Why Their Differences Matter by Stephen Prothero
- Good Pope, Bad Pope by Mike Aquilina
- Gospel of Mark, The: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture by Mary Healy
- Guardian Angels: True Stories of Answered Prayer by Joan Wester Anderson
- Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics by Paul Nowak
- Hear My Voice
- Heroes & Heretics of the Reformation by Philip Campbell
- Holy Ghosts Or How a (Not So) Good Catholic Boy Became a Believer in Things That Go Bump in the Night by Gary Jansen
- How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice - Austen Ivereigh
- How to Get the Most Out of the Eucharist by Michael Dubruiel
- In Conversation with God by Francis Fernandez (series of seven volumes)
- Inner Compass, The by Margaret Silf
- Interior Castle, The by St. Teresa of Avila
- Intimate Graces by Teresa Tomeo
- Introduction to the Spiritual Life by Brant Pitre
- Islam Unveiled by Robert Spencer
- Jesuit Off-Broadway, A by Fr. James Martin
- Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Fr. James Martin
- Jesus & Muhammad: Parallel Tracks, Parallel Lives by F.E. Peters
- Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre
- John Paul the Great by Peggy Noonan
- Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity by Christopher Kaczor, Matthew Petrusek
- Journey with Jonah by Paul Murray
- Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk Into a Bar - Paul Rock
- Judas Syndrome, The by Tom Colyandro
- Just Married by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak
- Knox Bible
- Last Catholic in America, The by John Powers
- Last Testament by Pope Benedict XVI
- Last Monk of Tibhirine by Freddy Derwahl
- Lectio Divina Bible Study: Learning to Pray in Scripture by Stephen J. Binz
- Letter to a Suffering Church by Bishop Robert Barron
- Light of Christ, The by Thomas Joseph White
- Light of the World by Pete Seewald and Pope Benedict XVI
- Light Upon Light by Sarah Arthur
- Like a Tramp, Like a Pilgrim by Harry Bucknall
- Little Daily Wisdom, A: through the year with St. Teresa of Avila
- Living the Mysteries: a Guide for Unfinished Christians by Mike Aquilina and Scott Hahn
- Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible
- Lord, The by Romano Guardini
- Love Basics for Catholics by John Bergsma
- Loyola Kids Book of Catholic Signs & Symbols by Amy Welborn
- Lure of Saints by Jon M. Sweeney (Spero News)
- Made This Way by Trent Horn, Leila Miller
- Magnificat Year of Faith Companion
- Marian Option, The by Carrie Gress
- Mary and the Christian Life by Amy Welborn
- Mass, The: the Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition by Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl and Mike Aquilina
- Mass Revision: How the Liturgy is Changing and What It Means for You by Jimmy Akin
- Meditations from the Oratory: Praying the Creed by Fr. Benedict Groeschel
- Meditations on Vatican Art by Mark Haydu
- Meditations on Vatican Art: Angels by Mark Haydu
- Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
- MicroShifts by Gary Jansen
- Miracle Detective, The by Randall Sullivan
- Monsieur Vincent by Henri Daniel-Rops
- More Than a Dream: How One School's Vision is Changing the World by G.R. Kearney
- Mother Angelica's Answers, Not Promises by Mother Angelica and Christine Allison
- Mother Teresa's Secret Fire by Father Joseph Longford (not strictly a review but more of a personal response to the book)
- Movies That Matter by Richard Leonard
- My Cousin the Saint by Justin Catanoso
- My Life with the Saints by James Martin, SJ
- Name of God is Mercy, The by Pope Francis
- New Jerusalem Bible: Saints Devotional Edition edited by Bert Ghezzi
- Night of the Confessor by Tomas Halik
- Night's Bright Darkness by Sally Read
- Oh Holy Night by Michael C. Snow
- On the Shoulders of Hobbits - Louis Markos
- Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace: My Spiritual Journey in Opus Dei by Scott Hahn
- Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love by Carl Anderson and Eduardo Chavez
- Questions and Answers by Pope Benedict XVI
- Paul Among the People by Sarah Ruden
- Paul, Tarsus to Redemption (manga)
- People of Hope, A by John L. Allen
- Pilgrim's Progress (audiobook review)
- Pocket Catechism for Kids, A by Mike Aquilina and Father Kris Stubna
- Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life by Caroline Pigozzi
- Power of Pause by Terry Hershey
- Power of the Cross, The by Raniero Cantalamessa
- Prayer Book for Catholic Families from Loyola Books
- Praying in the Presence of Our Lord: with St. Thomas Aquinas by Mike Aquilina
- Praying the Mass: the Prayers of the People by Jeffrey Pinyan
- Praying the Psalms with the Early Christians by Mike Aquilina and Chris Bailey
- Praying the Rosary Like Never Before by Edward Sri
- Praying Through Advent by Lisa Hendey
- Praying With Saint Augustine by Sara McLaughlin
- Problem of Pain, The by C.S. Lewis
- Psalms and Canticles (Morning Prayer) by Pope John Paul II
- "R" Father, The by Mark Hart
- Radiance of Being, The by Stratford Caldecott
- Raising Up Mommy by Heidi Hess Saxton
- Reading Jesus: A Writer's Encounter with the Gospels by Mary Gordon
- Real Music by Anthony Esolen
- Reed of God by Caryll Houselander
- Remember Your Death: Lenten Devotional by Theresa Aletheia Noble
- Render Unto Caesar by Charles J. Chaput
- Rethinking the Enlightenment by Joseph T. Stuart
- Retreat for Lay People, A by Ronald A. Knox
- Revolution of Love by David Scott
- The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist by Matt Baglio
- Roman Pilgrimage by George Weigel
- The Rosary: A Journey to the Beloved by Gary Jansen
- Roots of the Faith: From the Church Fathers to You by Mike Aquilina
- Sacred Year, The by Michael Yankoski
- Saints and Social Justice by Brandon Vogt
- Saints Behaving Badly
- Saint Junipero Serra's Camino by Stephen J. Binz
- Saint Paul by Pope Benedict XVI
- Saints and Feasts of the Catholic Year by Father Michael Black
- St. Peter's Bones by Thomas J. Craughwell
- Saints Preserved: An Encyclopedia of Relics by Thomas J. Craughwell
- Season of Mystery, A by Paula Huston
- Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen
- Seeing Salvation: Images of Christ in Art by Neil MacGregor
- Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi
- Seven Glorious Days: A Scientist Retells the Genesis Creation Story by Karl W. Giberson
- Seven Revolutions by Mike Aquilina and James L. Papandrea
- Shack, The
- Shoemaker's Gospel
- Signs and Mysteries by Mike Aquilina
- Signs of Life by Scott Hahn
- Simplifying the Soul by Paula Huston
- Sister Wendy on the Art of Christmas by Wendy Beckett
- Smile of a Ragpicker, The by Paul Glynn
- Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler
- Song for Nagasaki, A by Paul Glynn
- Station to Station by Gary Jansen
- Strange Gods by Elizabeth Scalia
- Strangers in a Strange Land by Charles J. Chaput
- Strangest Way, The by Robert Barron
- Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber
- Swimming with Scapulars
- Teresa of Avila: God Alone Suffices by Jean Jacques Antier
- They Come Back Singing: Finding God with the Refugees, An African Journal by Gary Smith, SJ (a link to a chapter of the book)
- Things Worth Dying For by Charles J. Chaput
- This Tremendous Lover by M. Eugene Boylan
- Thorny Grace of It, The - Brian Doyle
- Three Philosophies of Life: Ecclesiastes—Life As Vanity, Job—Life As Suffering, Song of Songs—Life As Love by Peter Kreeft
- To Know Christ Jesus by Frank Sheed
- To Light a Fire on the Earth by Robert Barron and John Allen
- To Whom Shall We Go? by Archbishop Timothy Dolan
- Treasury of Hours, A: Selections from Illuminated Prayer Books by Fanny Fay-Sallois
- Tweeting With God by Michel Remery
- Unbroken Thread, The by Sohrab Ahmari
- Undead by Clay Morgan
- Universal Christ, The by Richard Rohr
- Vatican: Secrets and Treasures of the Holy City, The by Michael Collins
- Virgin Trails by Robert Ward
- Voices of the Saints by Bert Ghezzi
- Walking Through Holy Week by Karen May
- Way of the Cross in Times of Illness, The by Elizabeth Thecla Mauro
- What Catholics Believe by Mike Aquilina and Father Kris Stubna
- When the King Was Carpenter by Maria Von Trapp
- Who Moved the Stone? by Frank Morison
- Why Science Does Not Disprove God by Amir D. Aczel
- Word of the Lord, The: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings by John Bergsma
- Words of Light: Inspiration from the letters of Padre Pio
- Words We Pray, The by Amy Welborn
- Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? by Guy Consolmagno, SJ, and Paul Mueller, SJ
- Year with Church Fathers, A by Mike Aquilina
- Year with the Eucharist, A by Paul Jerome Keller, OP
- Year with the Saints - Paul Thigpen
- You Can Share the Faith - Karen Edmisten