Thursday, December 1, 2022

The New Jerusalem Bible: Saints Devotional Edition edited by Bert Ghezzi

Featuring two hundred readings selected by Bert Ghezzi, this special edition of The New Jerusalem Bible will enhance readers’ understanding and appreciation of both the biblical texts and the lives of the saints. For example, the story of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden is followed by an excerpt from the writings of Saint Gregory Nazianzen, which brings new meaning to an already familiar tale. Interspersed throughout the text is a twenty-part lesson on studying, praying, and living the Scriptures, which contains longer selections from the saints’ writings addressing these specific issues. The Bible also includes a list of themes for easy reference, as well as a calendar of saints and a list of patron saints.

 Since I recently praised Bert Ghezzi's Voices of the Saints book, I'll add this for anyone interested in the saints. 200 excerpts from 90 different saints' writings and teachings are appropriately distributed through the Bible, 100 for the Old Testament and 100 for the New. There are also 20 excerpts where saints speak about scripture itself.

This is inspirational way to read scripture, especially since editor Bert Ghezzi features many saints who I wasn't familiar with. When I was familiar with a saint, such as Augustine, the excerpt frequently is one I've never seen before.  Ghezzi was digging deep to be sure he had writing that adds real depth and insights that we might not otherwise get. The thoughtful reader will find much for meditation here.

I'd also not come across the New Jerusalem Bible translation before which I am enjoying.


  1. Very interesting. I usually give a Bible as a Confirmation gift, so I am always glad to find a new one to put on my list of possible gifts.
