Paperback Swap's concept is simple. It is a free network where you can find and exchange books across the country ... free.
What our Book Club is all about...The only thing you pay for is the postage when you send out the books someone has requested from you. I was impressed to see that they even have a wrapper you can print out which has a complete address label that includes a postage estimate based on the weight of the book.
We help avid readers Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.
- Books you request are mailed to you for free.
- It's easy: List books you'd like to swap with other club members.
- Once a book is requested, mail it to the club member.
- In return, you may choose from 4,943,576 available books!
- No late fees. No hidden charges.
At this point I have evidently listed books which people have just been waiting for. In the last two days I have sent out about 11 books.
I plan on using the credits for times when Scott and I are reading a book I can't get at the library and to pick up some books I know people would like for gifts but that aren't in print any more. This is going to make honoring my book fast more difficult, but since this is the second year, I think I can handle it. We shall see!