Showing posts with label First Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Friday. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2019

First Friday Fast - for the Church and Our Priests

Bread and Water by Duane Keiser
Dear friends, your pastors are full of faults and imperfections. But despising them is no thte way to build Church unity. Do not be afraid to demand of them the Catholic faith, the sacraments of divine life. ... If you think that your priests and bishops are not saints, then be one for them. Do penance, fast to make reparation for their defects and their cowardice. That is the only way that anyone can bear another's burden.
Cardinal Robert Sarah, The Day is Now Far Spent
Since soon after the reports about Cardinal McCarrick's heinous behavior came out, as well as the horrifying reports about how many highly placed Church officials overlooked his actions, I have been observing a fast on the first Friday of each month. I offer it up for purification and support of the Church and our priests.

I didn't mention it, thinking of Jesus' direction to not bring attention to one's own fasting and prayer. Cardinal Sarah's words gave me new resolve in what had become a somewhat perfunctory observance. It also made me think that I needed to go public, recommend the practice, and ask you to join in unity, observing what penance seems good to you. So join me!

Friday, March 5, 2010

First Friday Fast for an End to Abortion

A twelve-week old fetus baby in the womb.*
It all began here in Dallas -- in our home town, where we raise our families, where we go to church, where we live, and love, and learn, and work.

We are three bloggers who also live in the Dallas area. We are deeply committed to ending abortion in this country. To that end, we have committed ourselves to the following: On each First Friday for the next eleven months, we will fast and pray before the Blessed Sacrament for an end to abortion. This year's commitment will culminate at the annual Dallas March for Life in January of 2009, where we will join our bishop and the faithful of this city in marching to the courthouse where Roe was originally argued.
In addition to unborn babies and their families, I will be including all those who work to end abortion, as well as the souls of those who work for abortion in my intentions. Also included will be solid catechesis for all Catholics as that is a key issue to most of the misunderstandings on both this issue and others in the secular world.

For your reading and information, here is an excellent article Why Conception? by Michael from The Deeps of Time. Highly recommended.

*I used to be among those who believed the secular propaganda that a 12-week-old baby was just "a blob of cells." Even after coming to the truth, I never knew just how vividly untrue that was until seeing this image, via Father Dwight Longenecker, who points out that 89% of abortions take place in the first twelve weeks. No wonder pro-abortion activists protest ultrasounds for mothers who are seeking counseling. This is unmistakably a baby.