Thursday, April 13, 2023

I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel

We are readers. Books are an essential part of our lives and of our life stories. For us, reading isn’t just a hobby or a pastime; it’s a lifestyle. We’re the kind of people who understand the heartbreak of not having your library reserves come in before you leave town for vacation and the exhilaration of stumbling upon the new Louise Penny at your local independent bookstore three whole days before the official publication date. We know the pain of investing hours of reading time in a book we enjoyed right up until the final chapter’s truly terrible resolution, and we know the pleasure of stumbling upon exactly the right book at exactly the right time.
This is light, fluffy fun for anyone who is a dedicated reader. You continually recognize yourself as Anne Bogel talks about book hangovers, rearranging bookshelves, Then there are the lists - many chapters are rapid-fire, run-on lists of contradictory yet complementary reader-centric behavior. And she did all this while tossing off examples which didn't fall into any category I regularly read. So we know there isn't science fiction mentioned. And not many mysteries. Some behavior just crosses all genres.

She gets me.
You take five books to the pool because you can’t decide what to read next. You can’t comfortably manage your purse because you shoved three books in on the way out the door, unable to decide what to read next. You pack twelve books for a five-day vacation because you can’t decide what to read next.

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