Thursday, November 17, 2022

Voices of the Saints: A Year of Readings by Bert Ghezzi

I've been really negligent in not reviewing this book on the blog. I have loved it since the first edition came out. I now have it on my Kindle for ease in reading about whatever saint has come up in alphabetical order that day. Each is covered in about two pages, which include a sizable chunk of the saint's writing or something by a contemporary (if they weren't a "writing" saint) so we get a deeper look at them from the inside.

Here's a bit more from The Anchoress whose full review you can read here.

Bert Ghezzi’s Voices of the Saints; A Year of Readings is one of those books every Catholic household really should have. This is a meticulously researched and cross-referenced book of saints for grown-ups. No pictures, no frills – you get the information you are seeking, and a taste of their own writings, but the book is arranged with themes and calendar prompts. If you’re if you’re dealing with issues of, say, obedience, you look under “obedience” (if you’re feeling cranky look under “porcupine saints”) and you’re be referred to a helpful Christian whose one struggles or wisdom will help you out. This book gives you a real sense of the “communion” of saints.

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