Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux: Self-portrait with a Harp

Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761–1802, Self-portrait with a Harp
Source. Seen first at Lines and Colors.


  1. Hello,
    My name is Luke S. And I have a question. I have autism/Asperger’s and I’ve had some unexplainable spiritual experiences with a spirit. I don’t know if this spirit is my guardian angel but I have a feeling it might be because it is nice but I have a few questions:
    1. Can my guardian Angel share a soul or spirit or essence with me so that we’re never separated and it’s with me forever?

    1. Hi Luke — the short answer is no about sharing a soul or spirit or essence with you. You and your guardian are separate individuals. However, it will be with you forever because God commissioned your angel to guard you since your conception.

      You may find more information in these catechism pages or in this Catholic Answers article.
