Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Prayer Request For My Mother - UPDATED

My mother is getting a pacemaker tomorrow. This is a 95% safe procedure I am told but I also believe in the power of prayer to accompany percentages.

Any prayers for her safe surgery and, just as importantly, no complications afterwards would be much appreciated.

Also, she's been in the hospital for a few days and told me this morning that her Kindle was a real Godsend. She had it loaded up with old favorites and some new purchases. Score one for the Kindle!

The surgeon said the surgery went really well and that she should be able to go home tomorrow if all else goes well. Thanks be to God!

And thank you for your prayers on her behalf.


  1. You both will be in my prayers over the next few days-I hope everything goes smoothly!

  2. So glad to hear that surgery went well and that she is expected to be released soon.

  3. Glad to hear she's doing better, Julie.

  4. Hooray! I am so glad!

  5. Just heard. Prayers of gratitude, then!

    - Mack
