Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Movie You Might Have Missed #83: The Outfit

It's been 12 years since I began this series highlighting movies I wished more people knew about. I'm rerunning it from the beginning because I still think these are movies you might have missed.

A gripping and masterful thriller in which an expert tailor (Mark Rylance) must outwit a dangerous group of mobsters in order to survive a fateful night.

This little film is like a puzzle in a box. Every time you think you know how the pieces fit, another twist comes up to throw the viewer (and our master tailor) for a loop.

I came for Mark Rylance and he didn't disappoint. The rest of the cast were perfect at being various "types" of gangsters needed. We've seen these gangsters before but not used precisely as they are here. We've not seen the tailor anywhere before. I liked the way the characters all had more than one dimension and could be almost likable at times.

I saw this described as an old school thriller and also as an unpredictable whodunit and both descriptions were right. Definitely worth a watch.

1 comment:

  1. Watched this tonight now that it is on Amazon Prime. Very clever, but not in a too-clever way. Reminds me of Hitchcock's Rope for both the one location and the tension between characters.
