Monday, May 9, 2022

Nature and the contradictions of contemporary secularism

One of the contradictions of contemporary secularism is its worship of nature, on the one hand, and its call for radical liberation from nature, on the other. We are told to eat organically, limit our carbon footprint, protect wild spaces, take public transportation ... We are also told we can choose if we are a male or a female (or something else entirely), that there are no natural differences between the sexes, that we can have intercourse without thinking about reproduction, that babies in wombs are not human life (unless they become "chosen"), that it is "ableist" to distinguish—physically, not morally— between abled and disabled human bodies ...
Christopher Kaczor & Matthew R. Petrusek
Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity

This is so obvious that I feel really silly for not ever noticing how shockingly bad are the contradictions  of believing both points of view simultaneously. I know many people do so and we are often bombarded by popular opinion supporting any and all of these ideas without ever noticing the logical inconsistencies.

I myself probably would if not for the grace of becoming Catholic and having my feet planted in age-old truths with thousands of years of logic behind them.

1 comment:

  1. In addition to this point, brilliantly observed, is that the more secular we become, the more neo-paganism emerges in place of Christendom. In other words, secularism doesn't create a neutral truth, it reasserts Paganism, creating a safe space for the Evil One.
