Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Psalm 19 (part 2) — God's Self Revelation

As you wonder at the order of creation, the grace of providence and the sacred prescriptions of the Law, sing Psalm 19
Athanasius, On the Interpretation of the Psalms

God's creation is a revelation. The more we learn, the more we wonder at the intricacy of the natural world, all of which is a mute testimony to God's creative genius.

God's law is a revelation. Below we will see some Jewish commentators about the connection with the sun and Torah. Of course, the Church Fathers didn't miss that connection and further connect the sun with Christ.

Christus helios, the mosaic which is interpreted as Christ-Sol (Christ as the Sun).
From the necropolis under St. Peter's Mid-3rd century
The classical Jewish commentators all point to the connection the psalmist makes between the sun and the Torah. These connections include:
  • The Torah enlightens man, just as the sun lights his way (Rashi)
  • Both the sun and the Torah testify to the glory of their Creator (Ibn Ezra and Radak)
  • The Torah is more perfect, whole, or complete than the powerful sun (Metzudat David)
  • While the sun conveys God's glory and greatness in the physical world, the Torah expresses God's glory in the spiritual realm (Malbim).

19:6. Nothing Hidden from Its Heat

The Benign Light of Christ. Ambrose: Christ fills his world with copious lights, since "his going out is from the end of heaven, and his circuit even to the end of it, and there is no one who can hide himself from his heat." Benignly he gives light to all, wishing not to repel the foolish but to correct them and desiring not to exclude the hard of heart from the church but to soften them. Hence ... Christ in the Gospel invites them, saying, "Come to me, all you who labor, and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you, and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart." On His Brother Satyrus

19:10. To Be Desired

Desirable Light. Clement of Alexandria: "Sweet is the Word that gives us light, precious above god and gems; it is to be desired above honey and the honeycomb." for hos can it be other than desirable, since it has filled with light the mind that had been buried in darkness and given keenness to the "light-bringing eyes" of the soul? For just as, had the sun not been in existence, night would have brooded over the universe notwithstanding the other luminaries of heaven, so, had we not known the Word and been illuminated by him, we should have been nowise different from fowls that are being fed, fattened in darkness and nourished for death. Let us then admit the light that we may admit God; let us admit the light that we may admit God; let us admit the light and become disciples to the Lord. Exhortation to the Greeks

Psalms 1-50 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)

Sources are here and an index of psalm posts is here.

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