Monday, August 24, 2020

We won't "remote everything" because there's no "energy."

There’s some other stupid thing in the article about “bandwidth” and how New York is over because everybody will “remote everything.” Guess what: Everyone hates to do this. Everyone. Hates.

You know why? There’s no energy.

Energy, attitude and personality cannot be “remoted” through even the best fiber optic lines. That’s the whole reason many of us moved to New York in the first place.

You ever wonder why Silicon Valley even exists? I have always wondered, why do these people all live and work in that location? They have all this insane technology; why don’t they all just spread out wherever they want to be and connect with their devices? Because it doesn’t work, that’s why.

Real, live, inspiring human energy exists when we coagulate together in crazy places like New York City.
Jerry Seinfeld: So You Think New York Is ‘Dead’(It’s not.)
Exactly. People've got to be together to really connect. We'll make do with Zoom and Google Hangouts and so forth until this pandemic is over and then we'll be back to connecting as usual — with energy.

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