Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The God Who Performs Daily Miracles

St. Augustine hits the nail on the head, as usual. We live in a world of miracles, so deeply embedded that we no longer recognize they are miracles at all.
This is the God, after all, who performs daily miracles through the whole of creation. These, though have grown cheap in people's eyes, not because they are easy, but because they happen all the time; while the rare things done by the same Lord, that is, by the Word who was made Flesh on our account, have struck people with greater amazement, not because they were indeed greater than what he does every day in creation, but because the things that are done every day occur, so it seems, in the natural course of events; while the others seem in people's eyes to be manifesting the activity of a power actually present here and now.

I said, you remember, that one dead man rose again, and people were struck dumb with amazement, while nobody marvels at those — who did not exist — being born every day. In the same way, who is not astonished at water being turned into wine, while God is doing the same thing every year in the vines?

St. Augustine,
Homily 9 on John 2:1-11

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