Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lenten Listening: Podcasts

Here are some of my favorite faith podcasts which can prove helpful at Lent. To be fair, I tend to listen to most of them year-round.

Sing the Hours

This is a sung version of the Liturgy of the Hours for morning and evening. Paul Rose does a really lovely job of making the music sound both timeless and modern. It is perfect for prayer or for having on as a peaceful chant in the background as I sometimes do.

The website is here.

Every Knee Shall Bow

This is a podcast about how to evangelize, which always brings up memories of Hyde Park. No thank you. Then my daughter Rose, who listens to such things to help with RCIA conversations, recommended it. And she was right! The hosts have good chemistry and are fun to listen to. They understand the things that make most of us cringe away from evangelizing and have a lot of helpful tips — some of which I've actually used. Their current series is about suffering and has been really insightful. Definitely give this one a try. (website link)

The Rosary in a Year

From Ascension Press and Father Mark-Mary Ames comes The Rosary in a Year.

Father Mark-Mary Ames has a gentle voice which is perfectly suited to taking us through the mysteries of the rosary — both in explanation and in praying the Scriptural topics (called "mysteries").  (website link)

 This follows two other stellar "in a year" podcasts from Ascension Press — The Bible in a Year (website link) and The Catechism in a year (website link).

Word on Fire — show

Half an hour with Bishop Robert Barron discussing everything from current movies to evangelization to pilgrimage, iPhones, and much more. They'll also feature audio from some of his talks, including those given at Facebook, Amazon, etc. Always interesting. (iTunes link, website link)

For Bishop Barron's homilies go here: iTunes link, website link

Old Books with Grace 

Grace is a medievalist, scholar and teacher. She has a very accessible style. I don't really listen to her interviews but have greatly enjoyed her Lenten and Advent series in the past. Try her out to see what she's got for this Lent. (website link)

The Symbolic World

Jonathan Pageau looks at symbolism in our culture (ancient and current) and shows us meanings that we had long forgotten but that make real sense. Any reader of Scripture will recognize the way he dives through layers of meaning and pulls out the essence for us to consider. He's Orthodox and loves to show us the places faith shines through in regular symbolism. He'll also do interviews ranging from Jonathan Peterson, Bishop Barron and many more. Simply fascinating. He does both videos and podcasts.

A Good Story is Hard to Find

Two Catholic friends talk about the books and movies they love and the traces of the One Reality that lie below the surface.

Yes, this is the podcast that Scott Danielson and I do every couple of weeks. Looking for God in the stories that entertain us might be just the Lenten inspiration you need to see God interacting in your life in a whole new way. (iTunes linkwebsite link)

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