Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Stree (2018)

In the small town of Chanderi, the menfolk live in fear of an evil spirit named "Stree" (Woman) who abducts men in the night during an annual festival. Everybody diligently makes sure the inscription O Stree, Come Tomorrow is written on their walls to keep the ghost away. Vicky falls in love with a mysterious girl, who is only seen during the annual festival season. Could she be Stree?
This is a comedy-horror film in the way that Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil was ... tongue-in-cheek humor while turning the conventional story on its head. It was super fun while being quite suspenseful in places. I was happy that this wasn't gory in the way an American movie would have been. It was interesting to see that there are ghost stories that originate in all parts of the world about brides whose lives were cut short.

And there must be a lot of cultural influence from Western horror films. That means you don't have to know Bollywood films to enjoy this as many of the tropes were the ones we all know .... like "don't split up - stay together!" Or as we were yelling at the screen, "Be like wolves, not lions!"

Plus, you know, a few songs and dances! Which is even better!

This was a sleeper hit last year and just hit Netflix recently.

Introduction to Bollywood (come on in, the water's fine!)

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