Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What else exactly did God want?

Faithfulness, obedience; but what else exactly did God want? Slowly, gropingly as it were, Abraham's descendants sought the answer, through episodes rich in symbols. Isaac's marriage signified that the clan of Terah was to remain pure and not mix its blood with any other; Jacob, "wrestling with an angel" for a whole night by the River Jabbok, was obliged to come to grips with his human condition and choose between the flesh and the spirit, personal interest and his vocation.

Soon the whole people was confronted by this problem. In Egypt, where famine led them and Joseph settled them, Abraham's descendants perhaps thought that, surrounded by idols with animals' faces, they would easily be able to preserve their faith. The answer they received was persecution, suffering, and anguish. Obeying God is not easy. But the seal put on His people by the Lord genuinely protected it.
Henri Daniel-Rops, What is the Bible?

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