This is the book I'd recommend to any Christian who wants to understand how Muslims view Christianity (and Christians) and how they embrace and love their own faith. At least you'll better understand Westernized Muslims, which is the author's background.
Growing up between Great Britain and America, Nabeel Qureshi never fit in with Western culture because of his Islamic heritage. When Qureshi meets David, a devout Christian, he finally has a friend who is more like him than anyone else because their faith is such a core element of their lives.
Qureshi soon begins trying to convert David to Islam because he is sharing the greatest gift he knows, true knowledge of God. However, he gets a surprise when the arguments that previously planted doubt in Christians all fall apart when raised with a Christian who knows his faith well. In the process Qureshi carefully explains "what every Muslim knows" about Islam so that we understand his reasoning. This provided insights into the Muslim understanding of faith and God. What became really interesting was watching when Christian friends began asking about Muhammad and the Quran.
We know from the title where this book will end so as it progressed I became increasingly apprehensive, just as Qureshi was, for what a decision to become Christian would do to his loving parents. I really loved the window this book provided into a loving Muslim family and this was one of the most gripping parts of the book.
There is an emphasis in this book on history, source materials, and reliability of testimony which I am used to seeing applied to Christianity but which becomes riveting when seeing it applied to Islam. I also appreciated the way that Qureshi was careful to explain the differences between what Westernized Muslims teach versus Eastern Muslims. That in itself was an education and helped me see why some explanations of Islamic behavior (peaceful versus ISIS, for example) are so contradictory.
Eye opening, inspirational, and definitely recommended.
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