Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cognitive Anchoring

Namely, that doodling helped her research subjects remember up to 29% more than non-doodlers. And while doodling and knitting or crocheting are quite different activities, they share one trait: they can easily be done with some level of automaticity.
Take that, everyone who has been in meetings with me, wondering why I was knitting.

Oh, also, since it isn't just about me, just discovered my pal Heather Hutchinson Ordover is writing a book about this.

Read about it at Newsday.

Sign up for advance notice when the book is ready here. I did.

She's been blogging the book as she goes. Not my style. I'll wait until the whole thing is done.


  1. I'm a bit slow, but I've just finished reading that blog and loved it. My coworkers all laughed at me last time we had a training and I crocheted my way through it, but it helps me pay attention, and the classes were horrible so at least I had something to show for my time.

    The other related thought I had is I think this is why the rosary works. Following the beads and saying the hail marys are that cognitive anchor that allow us to focus on meditating on the mysteries.

    1. That is a really good point about the rosary! I hadn't thought of that.
