Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Atheists Don't Have No Songs -- Steve Martin with the Steep Canyon Rangers

Much thanks to Mike Aquilina for pointing out this good natured and clever song. I laughed out loud but, then, Steve Martin usually has that effect on me.


  1. Funny, though unfortunately the atheist hymnal is much thicker than that. John Lennon's Imagine for starters.

  2. Great video, however the name of the group is the Steep Canyon Rangers.

  3. Jeff, Lennon's stuff isn't atheistic, it's more based on American Hinduism (aka new age).

    But you're right, the atheist hymnal is thicker. Trooper's "Raise a little hell" is definitely an atheist anthem.

  4. I enjoyed it until he said that Catholics dress up for Mass. Huh? One of our Eucharistic Ministers was in shorts and tank top last Sunday. Perhaps she wasn't at Mass in her mind. Shorts are the norm right now. Some still dress up in jeans like in the winter though.

    Sorry for the sour grapes. Going to church meant something when I was a kid. I would never have dreamed of not dressing up. Of course I was Southern Baptist

  5. Adrian Yanez6/26/10, 9:29 AM

    The lyrics of John Lennon's Imagine are from Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. Yes it is very much an atheist philosophy. The words of the song are an appeal to a Godless world.

    New Age on the other hand appeals to Nature as god or the self as God.

    Actually, Lennon is calling us not to imagine and to only see reality as what is material.

  6. The atheist hymnal is thicker than most Church hymnals, unfortunately, and sounds a whole lot better to boot.

  7. Ooops, here's a link to atheist tunes.

  8. Rather, here's the link:
