Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thou Shalt Not Be Overcome

I know that many people are heartsick over Terri. Someone said that she saw George Felos on television trashing Fr. Frank Pavone who has a long history of fighting for life. We are not even allowed to lick our wounds and mourn our dead before the attack presses on.

GetReligion's story, "Sneer-quoting culture of life," tells about a new order of priests being founded by Pavone to fight against abortion and euthanasia ... and the sneering reactions of Planned Parenthood. This is the trend we can expect as this struggle between the cultures of life and death continue. Evil is not happy about this turn of events, that this very visible struggle has alerted us all to the dangers at hand ... and evil does not give up easily. It fights back.

We must not forget that this was a battle, not the war. If ever there was a time for "onward Christian soldiers" and "the Church militant" then this is that time. This quote has been running through my head all day. It applies to right here and right now.
He said not:
Thou shalt be troubled, thou shalt not be tempted, thou shalt not be distressed,
but He said:
thou shalt not be overcome.
Julian of Norwich

Keep the faith. Hold the line. Wipe your tears and straighten your shoulders and press on in the good fight. He has promised it and Our Father keeps His promises. We shall not be overcome.

1 comment:

  1. Heard this quote on TV last night. I was surprised, it brought me to tears. Being a 55 year old man, I can not remember the last time I did that.
