Thursday, February 3, 2005

Cooperating with the Spirit

We all know that God wants to reveal himself to us through Scripture. But just like everything else in the Christian life, Scripture won't just magically make sense to us. It's up to us to cooperate with the Spirit as we read the Bible. And that takes some time, some attention, and some perseverance.

The following guidelines may help you cooperate with the Spirit. Try implementing them over the next few days and see if they make a difference.
  • Select a passage from the Bible you want to read...

  • Don't read right away but begin with prayer. If you feel like singing or even humming a hymn you heard at Mass, do it.

  • When you feel ready, read the Scripture passage you have chosen.

  • Slowly read it again, dwelling on the words or phrases that struck you.

  • Use your imagination to place yourself in the scene described in this passage.

  • Imagine that Jesus is sitting across from you and speaking these words directly to you.

  • Be still. During this quiet period, some words or pictures may bubble up in your thoughts. This may be God speaking to you -- especially if the images and thoughts lead you closer to Christ, fill you with hope, or stir your heart to love and forgive.

  • Try to write out what you think God is saying to you and close with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
God wants to reveal himself to us in Scripture. Only through quiet reflection will we learn to hear his voice.

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