Friday, May 22, 2009

Just in case we don't get it ...

... The Crescat mentions that this is the last day to vote in the Cannonball Awards and then goes on ...
It's the anti-award, absolutely not to be taken seriously... at least not as seriously as those other "real awards". Why people get all worked over blogger awards always baffled me... maybe it's because I never have a shot in hell in winning a coveted "real award". I digress. You know the type of blog I am referring too, the one where the administrator is pimping their readers for votes... every. single. day. in every. single. post. ...

It's a celebration of great blogs written by regular people. It's a poke at ourselves and own desperate need for affirmation and recognition. It's a chance to discover a new blog or two. It's a chance to not take ourselves so seriously and just have a good laugh.

Who could find fault with those intentions?
Not me!

Though we all know that I love nothing more than a good blogger's race to the finish line. Check out the awards and vote today for your favorite blog. I have been remembering to drop by maybe twice a week and have been getting a great deal of enjoyment from the updates and "fruits."

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