Friday, November 3, 2023

Nefarious — A clumsy Christian movie that might still be worth your time.


On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer gets a psychiatric evaluation during which he claims he is a demon, and further claims that before their time is over, the psychiatrist will commit three murders of his own.

I'm giving this movie a dual rating.

As a movie: 0 stars. It's like a Christian textbook on demons and basic pro-life teachings. As a devout Catholic what offends me aren't the beliefs expressed but the fact that it was done with a sledgehammer. This is why I avoid Christian movies. They are so often extremely clumsy just like this.

This is not to say that there weren't some bright spots. Sean Patrick Flanery's performance was very good. I did like the device through which the three murders were committed. There were very powerful moments building to the discovery that the abortion had been performed and also leading up to the execution. The small moment of cruelty practiced by the demon on his victim was particularly vivid, denying him that last meal which was so important to him. These, however, weren't enough to recommend it as a film.

As a Christian: 3 stars. In many ways this is like The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. It will have meaning to a Christian audience that's lost on everyone else. The theology in this movie was right. I haven't been able to shake the demonic expression of absolute contempt and hatred for humans as expressed by the condemned man, who we never doubted was possessed. It is given a tangible quality that is a good reminder that the invisible battle is raging fiercely. It has been sticking with me since I saw it.

Also of value. Interestingly, what we viewed as being a straight Christian movie once we were watching, wasn't understood that way by my mother at all. An 89-year-old atheist, she simply saw it as a horror movie since she was completely unfamiliar with the Christian concepts in the demon's and the psychiatrist's conversations. Later she was musing on the agony that was conveyed by the film and said that she thought it was a good movie. That made the movie worth watching for us.


  1. I just saw this too and had a more positive take. I had seen Last Ounce of Courage, a truly terrible "Fighting the War on Christmas" movie from 2012 which I didn't bother reviewing because it was so bad. Nefarious is a lot more polished and well acted by comparison. Nefarious certainly checks a lot of boxes for conservative Christians, though I'd argue plenty of other horror movies follow a set of check boxes too. Maybe it's a problem with the genre. My review of Nefarious is coming next Friday.

    1. Interesting! I look forward to your review (as I do to all of them). It wasn't as bad as Fireproof which is my low point standard for Christian movies, but it wasn't nearly as good as Father Stu which is my new high point (if one excludes exceptional movies like The Passion of the Christ). Of course, maybe we're particularly picky! :-D
