Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya


Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya is a brilliant, underrated detective from Nellore who runs an agency called FBI which sees no business. He gets more than what he asked for when a case happens to fall right into his lap out of nowhere.
Charming and delightful tale of a detective who learned everything from fictional detectives in books and movies. This gets off to a very slow start with a lot of establishing scenarios to Agent Athreya has a good detective's mind. Once he is thrown in jail the story turns into a legit twisty mystery which takes off much as a Hollywood movie would. In a way, it is a nice bookend to Knives Out in that it has a modern setting (albeit South Indian) but tells a classic noir-style tale. The star is really personable and charming. I would gladly see another of these so I'm glad to hear that a series is proposed.

Rating — for viewers with medium Indian film experience. (It's not rocket science, but without any cultural background at all you might feel kind of lost.)

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