Thursday, June 6, 2024

MY NEW BOOK! Stay With Me, Dear Friend: In Jesus' Presence Through the Day

How would it feel to be such good friends with Jesus that we could bring up anything and everything — the worries no matter how small, the “wins,” the funny bits, everything strewn through our day? This book is about how to listen for Jesus’ voice and hear it every day as we go about our normal lives. The reflections and prayer prompts in this devotional help you to stay aware of Jesus’ presence while drawing closer in friendship and love.

The painting on the cover shows comfortable, relaxed conversation with Jesus. That's the goal of using these reflections and prayer prompts. They follow an idea shown to me when I went on a silent retreat a couple of years ago. What if Jesus is sitting in the chair next to me? How would I talk with him? Pretty soon it expanded my prayer time — we were chatting familiarly when I cooked dinner, drove to the post office, and walking the dog. In other words, all through the day.

I took to the technique right away, but once I was off the retreat I began seeing all sorts of quotes from the saints that showed this wasn't a new technique at all. Being me, I began collecting those prompts to help me keep it close and personal every day. In no time at all I had filled four small notebooks. 

I wanted everything easier to use and so here's the book I wished for. 

I hope this brings you closer too.

Available on Amazon. Get it here!

I'll be sharing some of the reflections here in the days to come. 

If you like the book, please review it on Amazon, Goodreads,
or wherever else you hang out on the internet!

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