Tuesday, May 7, 2024

God does not ask all souls to show their love in the same way

God calls all the souls he has created to love him with their whole being, here and thereafter, which means that he calls all of them to holiness, to perfection, to a close following of him and obedience to his will. But he does not ask all souls to show their love by the same works, to climb to heaven by the same ladder, to achieve goodness in the same way. What sort of work must I then do? Which is my road to heaven? In what kind of life am I to sanctify myself? Apart from the universal calling of all of us to perfect love, to holiness, to the following of Jesus, and obedience to his will in everything, however small, a calling at the last to heaven, what is the particular and special vocation that he puts before me and you and each one of us? ...

We do not "choose a vocation" but seek to find our vocation, to do all we can to hear the divine voice calling us, to make sure what he is saying — and then to obey him. Where vocation is concerned God speaks, calls, commands: man has not to choose but to listen and obey.
Blessed Charles de Foucauld
Well, that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? What am I being called to and am I obeying?


  1. Yes, that is the question. And at my current stage of life, I sure don't know the answer.

    1. Also, though, as I go on through the decades I discover that my vocation is opened up or shifted. Sometimes it is for something I am not interested in at all. And then again the question is the same - will I obey? I try.
