Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Interesting — How AI may be able to improve journalism when it comes to reporting on Catholicism

As it pertains to religion reporting, the use of AL tools such as ChatGPT is also something worth delving into. The big question for me is can these tools actually make the reporting around matters concerning the Catholic church better?

In some cases, it can — but only if AI is used properly and if the reporter asks the right questions. Let’s look at some real stories and what AI could have done to add valid content. The hope is that such tools make stories better, not worse.

 GetReligion writer Clemente Lisi is considering how AI is going to impact the journalism profession. One thing he found was that AI doesn't do a bad job of filling in the background on Catholic issues.

He looked at three current stories which led him to asking ChatGPT the following pertinent questions:

  • What Catholic doctrine says regarding immigration and helping the poor and those in need?
  • What does Catholic doctrine say about pre-marital sex?
  • Why, in terms of doctrine, abortion is so abhorrent in terms of ancient and modern Catholic teachings.
I was impressed with the answers and agreed with Lisi that such a resource could give reporters at least a leg up on a broader understanding of issues and the sorts of questions they should be asking in their stories. Read the whole piece here.

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