Monday, December 9, 2019

The Trinity: The Key That Opens Every Lock

Perhaps they [clergy explaining the Trinity] feel a bit like quantum physicists, trying to explain to laymen how light can be a particle at the same time as being a wave.

But the doctrine of the Trinity does not just make sense of a few experimental observations in a laboratory. It makes sense of human life as a whole. It is the Key that opens every lock, an insight that reveals the center of the universe. It shows us the pattern that underlies physics, history, psychology, economics, and the arts. It is the most beautiful, elegant, and simple doctrine in the world — a true "theory of everything."
Stratford Caldecott, The Radiance of Being
From my newest book crush.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I clicked it as "Want to Read" at Goodreads. Thanks.
