Sunday, April 9, 2017

Praying for our Egyptian brothers and sisters

These Palm Sunday church bombings  hit me hard. It's hard not to become inured to a lot of the violence that is epidemic these days. I can deplore it, and do, but not feel it.

Maybe it's because we went to Palm Sunday mass yesterday evening, beginning the holiest week of the year. I felt that ... and when I read about these attacks on these Christians it was as if my own family had been attacked. As indeed it has. We are all one body in Christ.

Let us pray for these victims, who are hated only because they follow our Lord Jesus. Let us pray for the attackers, that their hard hearts may soften and their blind eyes will be opened.

May God have mercy upon us all.


  1. This breaks my heart, and gives me reason for both prayer & penance -- I am impatient with my Catholic & Christian friends that they do not have my passion for this, but most of them are better Catholics/Christians than I on practical things. I will pray for the suffering Church through Holy Week, and for myself that I may not judge...

  2. I was saddened when I learned about this. I pray for the safety of Christians at Easter.
