Monday, November 27, 2023

Worth a Thousand Words: Looking Glass Rock

Looking Glass Rock
taken by Valerie, ucumari photography
Isn't this splendid? Be sure to click through on the link so you can see it full size.

Valerie says:
Rising to 3,969 feet, Looking Glass Rock is comprised of exposed Whiteside granite that was formed approximately 390 million years ago. Geologists refer to it as a "pluton," a big ball of granitic rock that would have become a volcano had it not cooled before it reached the earth's surface. The name "Looking Glass" is derived from its appearance when rainwater freezes on its surface and reflects the sun like a mirror.
I can only imagine how breathtaking it would be to see that view in person, with all the surrounding sounds and scents and the breeze on your skin.


  1. Where is it??

    1. I don't know. Perhaps if you click through and ask the photographer. :-)
