Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Well Said: Roger Ebert on Chocolat

"Chocolat" is about a war between the forces of paganism and Christianity, and because the pagan heroine has chocolate on her side, she wins. Her victory is delayed only because, during Lent, a lot of the locals aren't eating chocolate. [...]

I enjoyed the movie on its own sweet level, while musing idly on the box-office prospects of a film in which the glowing, life-affirming local Christians prevailed over glowering, prejudiced, puritan and bitter Druid worshippers. That'll be--as John Wayne once said--the day.
I miss that man so much. His clear vision, calling it like it is, and the grace with which he expressed himself. Yes, I miss him.


  1. I muse idly on the box-office prospects of a film in which neither gold, baseball, nor football is symbolic of anything.

    I muse idly on the impossibility of no one ever saying again "must-see."

    I muse idly on the impossibility of films being labeled with the percentage of content generated by a computer.


  2. I muse idly on the impossibility that I will ever write a coherent sentence.

  3. All better than musing purposefully. That would completely miss the point! :-D

  4. Does anyone even do that anymore? Muse, I mean!
