Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dearest Rose

Once again, Rose will be celebrating her birthday away from home, with our celebration postponed until she arrives home at the end of the month.

That didn't mean I wasn't looking for cake ideas, though I will never be able to mold a shoe out of chocolate.

We miss Rose so much and can't wait to get her home again, even though it will be for just a short time. Have a wonderful day, dear Rose, and find a delicious piece of cake to eat somewhere. I'm sure Chicago offers many a delightful choice of bakeries.


  1. God bless you Rose!

  2. Tante Leonie5/11/10, 9:17 AM

    Happy Birthday, Rose! Have wonderful day.

  3. Happy birthday Rose!

  4. Happy Birthday Rose! And, thoughts to you to, Dear Julie. Being a mom, I know all the million or so things that are going through your mind today -- from those days before her, her actual birth, and the amazing woman she has become!
