Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Around the House Some More

On Carrying One's Favorite Toy Everywhere
No, not me and the iPod. Though a case could be made for that ...

This morning we could hear one of the dog's tags jingling and jangling as it obviously was playing with something in an unusual spot for playing. Turns out it was Wash and a small cockroach. Zoe soon turned up to join in on the fun of this new animated toy. Kind of cute, of course, and I am not against a natural death for a cockroach.

Less cute was Zoe's proud carrying of the new toy everywhere she went this morning, with two little side legs sticking out of the front of her mouth. Although it was hilarious.

On Not Always Being Happy ... But Always Being Happy to Be Catholic
"Lord have mercy on me and bless _____" was resounding through my head most of yesterday (along with periods of offering it up when I remembered) as a large project with one of my clients suffered a sudden realization of big disconnect in understanding on both sides. And slight meltdown occurred. I'll be honest. Meltdown mostly on my side.

This is where it helps a great deal to work with one's spouse, who can help one deal with such situations in a unique way beyond even the best of bosses. As well, my clinging to those prayers helped me to always keep front and center that on the other side of the phone and emails was a person who I like and who was not doing anything deliberately to upset the apple cart. Honest misunderstandings, different perspectives, and forgotten conversations. Those were the culprits.

Did I hear angels singing, have moments of standing in the golden light of understanding and love?


I didn't expect to and that was a good thing. I was there to work to fix things as much as I was able at that moment (thank goodness again for Tom in that) and to put myself second. It came back to praying as if all depended on God and working as if all depended on me. I had to cling to it greatly and repeatedly but it made all the difference. All. the. difference.

Was it my guardian angel who put a reminder to pray into my head? Or my Saint Martha? Let's go way high ... how about the Holy Spirit? Perhaps. Or perhaps it was the simple force of habit. I tend to automatically kick in with at least a few silent Hail Mary's when things get tough at work. Ditto for the "Have mercy on me" when I'm in a contentious situation. The offering it up was because I'd posted about the feast day for the cross yesterday. So it all came together somehow, albeit incoherently at the time.

We're still in the middle of this. I think of how I would have been reacting without my faith to buoy me and I shudder. No wonder I'm so very happy to be Catholic.

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