Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Well Said: A Good Prayer for Many Sad Hearts

When my friends are in sorrow and trouble, or even when they are just without spirit, I like to pray, "Jesus, they have no wine," or "Mary, they have no wine." It is a good prayer for many sad hearts today.
Dorothy Day, On Pilgrimage
I'm rereading this book which is Dorothy Day's daily diary from 1948. Into it she pours all the daily activities, which are quite varied considering she begins the year spending 2-1/2 months with her daughter in the country waiting for a new grandchild to be born and then returns to the city for her retreats and charity work.

Interspersed with all this are her spiritual reflections and often tart comments on the state of the country in general.

She's a fascinating person who I relate to in many ways. In others, not so much. But that's how it is with friends ... and saints ... is it not? The point is seeing where we intersect which, hopefully, is where Christ comes in.

This caught my eye because I recently began saying that prayer for my daughter and her fiancé who are searching for a good, inexpensive spot for their wedding reception. I thought what better prayer to say in this instance? After all, we know Jesus cared enough to provide enough wine to make that town very happy for a long time.

It was when reading this passage that I realized all the different ways "they have no wine" could be interpreted. What a good use of scripture in prayer.


  1. What a great prayer. I copied it into my quote journal. :)

    By the way, I keep meaning to tell you... I recently read "The Hiding Place" after seeing your recommendation. I loved it! It was very inspiring. Thanks! :)


    1. I am so glad that you read The Hiding Place! It's one of those books that I want to shove into everyone's hands. :-)

  2. Thank you! There are many people in my life who need this prayer. ~ Rosemary A.
