Thursday, April 29, 2010

Assam and Darjeeling in Print!

Some of you may recall my extreme enjoyment of Assam and Darjeeling by T.M. Camp. In fact, it became an SFFaudio Essential with my review, which is a rarely bestowed accolade.

The only thing missing was a print copy for those of my acquaintance who I knew would love the story but who, stubbornly, will not listen to podcasts. Let's face it, on occasion I would like to read it myself when a podcast just isn't going to work.

At last, we have the hardback which you see above and the paperback ...

One of the things I knew I would miss in a book was the sense of whimsy which T.M. Camp included in some of the standard statements accompanying each podcast. Looking through the previews you can imagine my delight at finding the whimsy intact beginning with the copyright page, some of which I transcribe below to give you a sample
Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be used, transmitted, broadcast, or otherwise reproduced in any manner or medium without receiving prior, written permission from the author. Failure to comply is a violation of international copyright law and will incite the fury of the sea to rise up against the nations of the earth, wiping away innocent and villain alike. So don't say we didn't warn you.
Duly noted!

Go read the review and then get yourself a copy. It will be coming to Amazon and Barnes and Noble soon, but if you don't want to wait then just click through on the links above. (Oh, and I meant to mention, it is available on Kindle now.)

1 comment:

  1. Since I love a cup of tea and a good book, I will have to read this!
    Thanks for the information.
