Monday, December 31, 2007

Be Careful What You Ask For

I believe in signs. I believe that prayers are often answered. I believe that God will indulge us from time to time because we are precious to Him and He delights in our delights. But I hope I've finally learned to stop asking for what is freely given in His own time.
formation has a good and thoughtful post about "baiting God" or, in other words, asking for a sign. I especially love being reminded that God delights in us and will give treats as an indulgence. That takes me back to "relationship" and it is too easy for me to forget that at times. Especially at this time of year, I think that increased awareness of God in our lives is so interesting to think over.

That post made me cast back my mind to a time when I didn't believe, asked for a sign, and wound up ponying up first ... only to be given a whopper of a sign.

I think back to a time when we didn't ask for a sign but got a miraculous one anyway.

I think of a time when I was being hounded by God (yes, hounded and haunted and hunted and pestered to distraction) in discernment of my role for the Christ Renews His Parish team. I mean to say the Holy Spirit used scripture, that "small, still voice," people's offhanded comments, and more to whap me upside the head. On one hand, once I figured out what was going on, I was pleased. On the other hand, I was considerably freaked out. Not easy to accomplish simultaneously, but I managed without any problem at all.

Those are just the big examples, not the small instances that pop up here and there, usually when I least expect it. I really tend not to ask for signs as I figure that if I am "listening" or aware enough then I'll hopefully see things unfolding (as with Rose's college choice ... at one point it was like standing in the middle of the runway looking at the airplane circling overhead and feeling that God was standing there signalling where to land ... truly amazing). Not that I don't need a good whap with that holy 2x4 every so often. I also have a dread of getting in the habit of treating God like a vending machine (insert one prayer, receive one sign) because that completely ignores the relationship and so much more about our lives of faith.

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