Thursday, October 7, 2004

Levels of Truth

Our book club is reading Peter Kreeft's essays comparing Christianity with various other religions. One of the most interesting to me was Uniqueness of Christianity. He addresses the arguments used against considering Christianity, or indeed any religion as unique to itself. You can read those for yourself at the link but I especially appreciated the point that modern relativism likes to reduce religion to the level of relating to each other. It also was interesting to look at all religions based on how much truth they teach.
But any Christian who does apologetics must think about comparative religions because the most popular of all objections against the claims of Christianity today comes from this field. The objection is not that Christianity is not true but that it is not the truth; not that it is a false religion but that it is only a religion. The world is a big place, the objector reasons; "different strokes for different folks". How insufferably narrow-minded to claim that Christianity is the one true religion! God just has to be more open-minded than that.

This is the single most common objection to the Faith today, for "today" worships not God but equality. It fears being right where others are wrong more than it fears being wrong. It worships democracy and resents the fact that God is an absolute monarch. It has changed the meaning of the word honor from being respected because you are superior in some way to being accepted because you are not superior in any way but just like us ...

By Catholic standards, the religions of the world can be ranked by how much truth they teach.
  • Catholicism is first, with Orthodoxy equal except for the one issue of papal authority.
  • Then comes Protestantism and any "separated brethren" who keep the Christian essentials as found in Scripture.
  • Third comes traditional Judaism, which worships the same God but not via Christ.
  • Fourth is Islam, greatest of the theistic heresies.
  • Fifth, Hinduism, a mystical pantheism;
  • Sixth, Buddhism, a pantheism without a theos;
  • Seventh, modern Judaism, Unitarianism, Confucianism, Modernism, and secular humanism, none of which have either mysticism or supernatural religion but only ethics;
  • Eighth, idolatry; and
  • Ninth, Satanism.
To collapse these nine levels is like thinking the earth is flat.

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